If you’ve not been around these parts before, you might have some questions. So I’ll try my best to pre-empt some of them.

What do you do?

We make films and games with a homemade feel. Our aim is to make people smile with our strange creations. We love stop motion animation and games that are fun to poke - perhaps one day we’ll combine the two.

Who are you?

Alackaday productions a front for Lancashire-born and Manchester-based filmmaker/game developer Eddie Dearden to create nonsense. He’s got a PhD in computer science and yet he spent many days this year sculpting plastercine todgers.

Somebody should really stop him.

What the heck’s an alackaday?

Alackaday is an archaic interjection which expresses a feeling of “sorrow or deprecation”…

…which makes it the perfect word to sum up the process of making stop motion animations and videogames.

Still not satisfied?

If you want to collaborate, or get in touch for any other reason, head over to the contact page.